Sunday, November 30, 2008

snowboarding is exercise

Bosquet, a ski area where I live, just opened this past weekend for the winter. My sister and I are skiiers but we decided that we wanted to learn how to snowboard too, so we went. I had been a few times before and couldn't really do much more than fall down the mountain. My sister was a little worse than I.

After about an hour of falling down and getting back up I realized how much of a workout it is. My legs were so tired and I think I used muscles that I didn't even know I had. It is also a great workout for your arms and abs if you keep fallling down because you have to keep pushing yourself back up again. I never really thought of it as exercise because you sort of coast down the slope but it is great for your muscles and burns hundreds of calories.

I also realized how dangerous it can be though. I seemed to fall on my knees a lot and they are very bruised now. It is very important to wear protective gear. Broken wrists are quite common among snowboarders. It is also important to stay warm. It is fairly easy to get frostbite if you are not dresses properly. So don't sit around this winter. Get outside and try something new. It is great exercise just remeber to stay warm and be safe!

For some snowboarding safety tips visit:


Jaymes Gillis said...

When I used to snowboard I found my self sore the next day, and it is because of all the falling down and getting back up. Also when you get good at it, snowboarding also helps you with your balance and coordination. Good Blog.

Kate said...

Great topic! I love to snowboard and have since I was about 10 so great news its a workout! Its hard to stay with it when all your doing is falling down and getting back up but, once you get your balance its worth it so keep with it! Its very important for people to be prepared incase they get hurt. I never go without a helmet on. I've hurt awful stories about people getting hurt. Great blog!

James Brusard said...

I snowboard as well as perform physical activity on a regular basis, and I even find myself becoming sore and tired just by simply riding down the mountain. However, it takes a good amount of effort to get up after falling. Also, it is very tiring on your legs when trying to steer the board as well. I completely agree with your blog.

Daniel Willemain said...

snowboarding is amazing, i've been doing it for a long time now and every season on my first few times out (like on the 21st when mountains opened) the next days i cant even walk! it's a great work out and alot of fun!

Kaity said...

I am with you, I tried snowboarding for the first time last year, but never have skied before. Never making past the bunny hill was very frustrating but the next few days I realized how big of a work out falling really is!! It is a great work out to go snowboarding and worth trying again once the pain is gone. I have resorted to the Wii snowboarding it is alot less painful but is a great way to work on balance. Great Blog.

Kristin said...

You're 100% right! It's weird how things you really enjoy can be such a great work out. I've always been a skiier as well and although I find that to be a great exercise too, snowboarding beat it! However, that may also be due to the amount of times I've fallen and gotten back up again.